How to bold, italicize, underline, Strikethrough text in Discord

Discord is becoming very popular in the gaming world because of its versatility and the possibility of having voice and video chats, screen share, ability to create servers, and also have a large community of people all around the world.

Unlike other chatting apps, it also allows you to decorate text messages you can bold, italic, underline, Strikethrough, show spoil alert, code formatting, quote text and lot more.

Why Use text formatting in the text?

This will help you to make your sentence stand out and highlight it while chatting. Without wasting further time let’s find out, all the methods to use formatting text in Discord.

Decorate text in Discord

Discord uses a simple markdown format to decorate text in chat. Here is ways to do it.

Method 1: Using the Keyboard

  • The first thing you have to do is write the text you want to send
  • Decide which text you want to style and use these formats
  • To bold text put double asterisks on both sides of text you want to bold, as here **bold**
    To make text italic put single asterisks on both sides of text you want to italicize, as here *italics*.To make text bold + italic put triple asterisks on both sides of text you want to italicize, as here ***bold and italic***.To underline use double underscore on both sides of text, as here  __ underscore__To Strikethroughput double tilde symbol on both sides of text, as here ~~strikethrough me~~
    Italics *italics* or _italics_
    Bold **bold**
    Strikethrough ~~Strikethrough~~
    Underline __underline__
  • When you press Enter, you will send the text to your Discord channel. As you can see in the screenshot, the part you are using formatting your text will be decorated and stand out from other text

Method 2: Using Mouse

  • Write your text you want to send
  • Decide which text you want to bold and select it through the mouse, you’ll see a popup menu click on the B, I, S this will help you to Bold, Italic, Strikethrough text respectively, like item in the menu as shown in the screenshot
  • When you do, you will see that markdown have been placed on both sides of the selected text
  • Now, Press Enter and send the text to your Discord channel. The part you selected text is bold, italic or strikethrough

This is really simple to do. If you have followed the guide you’ll be able to style the text.

Sonu Sharma: Sonu Sharma is Founder of 'TechKhiladi'. An enthusiast entrepreneur and blogger. He has a very deep interest in learning things related to the digital world and love to sharing his knowledge with others through blogs.