Accept or reject all Facebook friend requests at once

If you took a break and stopped parsing your friend requests on Facebook – and accumulated a lot of them – you can accept and reject all requests at once. To not consume your precious time by refusing contacts you do not know or accepting all new starches in another profile, use a super simple Chrome plugin called “Toolkit For FB by PlugEx” and streamline the process.

To reduce the volume of friend requests, you can also adjust privacy settings and prevent unknowns from sending requests.

Choose who can request your friendship on Facebook

  1. Click on the menu and go to the “Settings” of Facebook;
  2. Click on “Privacy” in the left column;
  3. Click “Edit” next to “Who can send friend requests to you ?;
  4. In the drop-down menu, click “All” or “Friends of friends”;

Adding a person as a friend works like this: You can either send him a friend request or ask him to send you a request. If you received this request via email notification, you can only add or refuse if that email is registered to your Facebook account as your contact. Otherwise, the friend request will not be displayed on your Facebook, it will only be in the email.

Another detail is that if the person who submitted the request chooses to undo and cancel the friend request or deactivate the account later, the request disappears.

Viewing Friendships (Received and Sent)

  1. Go to
  2. There will be the requests sent to you and also those sent by you;

Understood this, see how to accept or decline requests to add with a click.

Accepting or rejecting all friend requests

To accept or reject all Facebook friend requests in bulk and in few clicks you can choose to use a plugin for Google Chrome. Go to the store and look for the “Toolkit For FB by PlugEx”. Some extension features are premium (paid), but this feature is free. Here’s how to use it and learn how to clear the drop-down list.

  1. Download and install the “Toolkit For FB by PlugEx“;
  2. You need to be logged in to Facebook, access the social network;
  3. Click the plugin icon at the top of the browser;
  4. Scroll the window that opens until you find “Frame Tools”;
  5. Click on “Accept or Reject All Facebook Friends Requests”;
  6. Tap “Accept All” to accept or “Reject All” to decline;

If you want to accept some people, do this beforehand, manually, and then delete all others. Or, conversely, refuse some and accept all others with a single click.

Tarun Pandit: Tarun Pandit an entrepreneur and blogger by passion, created Tech Khiladi to help with people with Technical stuff.