Youtube is preparing to change the location of comments

Youtube is not only known by the millions of videos on its platform but by its huge community. The comments are part of this. Content creators can get more complete feedback from their followers’ opinions.

However, Youtube is about to change the location of the comments on your platform. At least it’s what it seems. The change has already happened to some users in India, where we have seen the first changes and features of the platform.

Comments will be “hidden” behind a button

Now users do not need to scroll infinitely to access comments. Just next to the button “like” and “unlike” we will also have a small button to indicate “comments”.

By clicking the button, the comments open immediately below. This change is perfect for faster loading of the page and even to hide possible ” spoilers ” they may have.

Youtube wants to be more than a “community”

This change is significant because it shows us that Google is starting to look more and more at the video platform and less at the community level. A move that can cost them dearly. As much as the comments are present, the best place for the community would be to have the comments just below the video. Something we do not have.

Instead, we have recommended video and only then the comments. With the new update, nor with slips down you will find the comments. Just by clicking the button. But Amazon-one of the largest online sales companies-said one day ” how many more clicks for the less sold user .” That’s why they created the “buy in a click”.

Youtube is forcing people to click the comments button for some reason. They know that the more work they give their users, the fewer users will. Anyway, we’ll see what this gives. This new version is still only available in India, hopefully not the best possible solution for the platform.

If you need help, have doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the comment box below and we will try to help you as soon as possible!

mohit sharma: