Stop others from using your Netflix password and other services

There’s nothing worse than opening your Netflix account  to watch a series or movie and finding a black screen that says, “A lot of people are using the account.” But how did other people have access to your password?

Often, instead of looking for the culprits, it is easier to simply remove them from your account, once and for all. Below is a handy guide to eliminating Netflix users from multiple streaming service accounts, so you’ll never see the undesirable message that you’re logged in or that there are too many open sessions.


On the Netflix home screen, go to “Account” in the upper right corner. Next to “Settings,” select “Log out on all devices.” You will receive a message asking you to confirm that you want to leave. After confirming this, this process may take up to eight hours for the session to be closed on all devices.

In the meantime, go back to the desktop and change your password in the “Account” section. From now on, your account is only yours, and everyone who wants to use it will need the new login password. If you also want to see the streaming activity, click on “Recent device broadcast activity” in the “Settings” section.


From the desktop home page, select “Profile”, followed by “Account”. This will take you to an “Account Overview” page. Scroll down and select “Exit All Places”. Your session will be terminated immediately. Log in again, go back to “Account” and select “Change password”.

Amazon Prime

On the Prime Video home page, select the drop-down menu in the upper right corner, followed by “Settings.” Select “Your devices” and here you will find any device connected to Prime Video. Continue and select “Delete record” on any device you want to stream.


On a mobile device, on your profile, click the icon next to “Edit profile.” Select “Password” and enter your current password and new password. After saving the change, this should automatically remove any existing device from your account.


On the desktop home page, click the drop-down arrow in the upper-right corner and select “Settings.” There, go to “Security and login” on the left and scroll down to “Where you are logged in” to see all devices that have been connected to your account.

If you want to disconnect a specific device, select the three dots on the right and click the “Is not you?” Option. If you want to disconnect all devices, select “Close All Sessions,” which will require all users to log in again. On the “Security and login” page, scroll down to “Login” and change the password.

Ready! By doing the processes described above, you will have full control of your streaming services and social networks.

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Sonu Sharma: Sonu Sharma is Founder of 'TechKhiladi'. An enthusiast entrepreneur and blogger. He has a very deep interest in learning things related to the digital world and love to sharing his knowledge with others through blogs.