Sony will try to reduce ‘Loading’ times in games built with PS 5

Sony Systems Architect Mark Cerny has already confirmed that the PlayStation 5 will hit the market with a new type of SSD storage. Something that was implemented in the new console, to make of the famous times of ‘loading’, something of the past.

That said, at the strategy meeting of the company, Sony revealed that the future of PlayStation is to offer an experience focused on immersiveness, without fail. And for that, the increased power, and the inclusion of the new ‘Custom’ SSD are essential!

So, according to Sony, the ‘loading’ times of the PS5 will be 19x faster! (Regarding PS4) In addition, Mark Cerny said in the interview to Wired that the SSD of the PlayStation 5 has “more bandwidth than any SSD available in the PC market.”

Taking into account the offers we have in the market namely by the hands of Samsung … This is really an impressive statement!

First, Sony will try to eliminate the ‘Loading’ times in games built with PlayStation 5 in mind

After all, a Sony spokesman has already said that the new PS5 SSD will be the key to the new generation of consoles.

  • “Our vision is to make the loading screen, something of the past! Allowing creators the ability to build completely unique gaming experiences. “

How will Sony eliminate the ‘Loading’ times !? After all, the inclusion of an SSD, may not be the complete answer!

If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re absolutely right! The SSD will enable a lot, but in parallel, is Sony also had to develop new technology, to take advantage of the power of its new console.

Something that is described in the latest Sony patent found!

Very briefly, Sony will use the capabilities of its new SSD, to split the game scenarios into various segments. Subsequently, the PS5 will load the segments immediately next to the site where the player is, in a dynamic way, in the background.

What in the eyes of the user will seem like a continuous experience, and above all fluid?

In short, the future looks bright for the world of consoles! However, some studios have already shown some discontent with what Sony and Microsoft are developing.

At the bottom, the complaints even seem reasonable … But nothing better than waiting for the official announcements, which are expected to happen later this year. With the launch of PS5 and Xbox Scarlett, scheduled for the end of 2020.

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ANKIT BHARDWAJ: Ankit Bhardwaj is Founder of 'TechKhiladi'. Engineer by Profession and an enthusiast entrepreneur and blogger. He has a very deep interest in learning things related to the digital world and love to sharing his knowledge with others through blogs.