How to use the ‘Recommended Troubleshooting’ feature in Windows 10

Windows 10 is now able to suggest solutions to the most common problems that may occur. See how it is used.

One of the most exciting new features included in the new Windows 10 update is the ‘Recommended Troubleshooting’ that can help you resolve any errors that may occur in your operating system.

In previous versions of Windows, if an error occurred, the system would stop working as it should, you had only two chances of resolution: run the correct resolution wizard for the specific problem or solve it by hand. Now with the May 2019 update, there is a new feature called ‘Recommended Troubleshooting’ that uses Windows diagnostic data to automatically detect and resolve system malfunctions.

This feature can reset critical service settings, change system settings to fit your hardware, or adjust other settings to keep your computer working properly.

In addition, you can recommend solutions to less serious problems that may have a negative impact on the user experience, such as suggest turning off a feature or application that is not working properly until a resolution is published through ‘Windows Update’.

In this guide, we will show you how to use the ‘Recommended troubleshooting’ feature.

How to adjust the ‘Recommended troubleshooting’

Go to ‘Settings’.

Click on ‘Privacy’.

Click Diagnostics and Comments.

Under ‘Recommended troubleshooting’ choose the most correct option for your device:

‘Fix problems automatically’: Resolutions are enforced without intervention or user knowledge.

‘Tell me when problems are fixed’: Resolutions are enforced without user intervention, but Windows 10 will notify you of any changes that have been made.

‘Ask me before you fix issues’ (default definition): The user receives a notification to review the recommendation and also the option to either execute or ignore it.

‘Fix only critical issues’: Windows 10 will only try to solve the most serious problems and the user will not receive notifications about other problems.

Choose the option you want so that Windows will try to solve any problems that appear using your settings.

How to run the ‘Recommended Troubleshooting’ in Windows 10

To apply a suggested Windows solution:

Go to ‘Settings’.

Click Updates and Security.

Click Troubleshooting.

Below ‘Recommended Troubleshooting’ choose the problem you want to resolve.

This option is only available if you have chosen the ‘Ask me before correcting problems’ option in the previous tutorial.

Click the ‘Run Resolution’ button.

The resolution for this problem will be applied. If you have more problems you should repeat the last two steps.

How to Turn Off Recommended Troubleshooting in Windows 10

Go to ‘Settings’.

Click on ‘Privacy’.

Click Diagnostics and Comments.

In the menu choose the option ‘Correct only critical problems’.

This functionality depends on the diagnostic information that is sent to Microsoft, that is to say, that you can also change the level of information to ‘Basic’ to avoid sending you customized fixes.

How to View the History of the Recommended Troubleshooting Feature in Windows 10

All troubleshooting attempts are saved on your computer so you can see the list of issues that were resolved automatically.

Go to ‘Settings’.

Click Updates and Security.

Click Troubleshooting.

Click View History.

If you need help, have doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the comment box below and we will try to help you as soon as possible!

ANKIT BHARDWAJ: Ankit Bhardwaj is Founder of 'TechKhiladi'. Engineer by Profession and an enthusiast entrepreneur and blogger. He has a very deep interest in learning things related to the digital world and love to sharing his knowledge with others through blogs.