Google tracks your all purchases: Here’s where it is stored

Google has a shopping list that the Gmail user has already made. It is unknown for how long the company does this practice. Any purchase mentioned in receipts in the email is recorded in a list without notice.

Google has a shopping list that the user Gmail already accomplished. It is unknown for how long the company does this practice. Any purchase mentioned in receipts in the email is recorded in a list without notice.

You can check what has already been recorded through this link. On my account, the list begins in 2015 and includes all the transactions I’ve done that have a receipt in Gmail.

Not surprisingly, Google is collecting this type of information. However, it is at least ironic that the company is claiming that it wants to raise the level of privacy. CEO Sundar Pichai even had a paper in the New York Times that says “Privacy can be a luxury asset; you decide how your information is used.”

You can only delete what was saved in the shopping list if you completely delete the email (to the trash). However, unfortunately, it is not possible to disable the monitoring function and adding new items to the list.

According to Google, it says:

We do not use any information from your Gmail messages to display your ads, and this includes the receipts and email confirmations displayed on the purchase page

In the year 2017 Google stopped parsing Gmail messages to better target their ads on Internet to the person. This is currently done by searching on Google, Google Maps and YouTube.

The company said it is looking to simplify the list’s settings and make them more intuitive to handle more easily.

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mohit sharma: