Everything you need to know before sharing your Netflix account

A very common practice to save nowadays on a streaming video service is by sharing your account. Although the process is very simple, before doing so it is necessary to know and review some items to avoid surprises or headaches later.

So, if you are thinking of sharing your Netflix account, Techkhiladi as prepared this article that counts some items to be reviewed before splitting your subscription. Here’s what you need to know before you can share a Netflix account.

The password is the same

When you create an account on Netflix, you define a login, which is the email and a password to access the service. Although the streaming video service has the option of users, to log in to it, the email and the password are always the same.

This way, if you go to share your account, it is a good idea to use a password defined according to the other person. Therefore, if you are sharing the account, avoid using a personal password such as that of your email and other services, for example.

Use more than one user

As mentioned above, Netflix has the option of having more than one user, with 5 profiles maximum.The advantage of using them is so that each person can control the content that is being viewed within the service. Below, see what the profiles allow:

  • Personalized series and movie suggestions
  • List of recently watched titles
  • Ratings
  • Language Preferences
  • Playback Settings
  • Age rating
  • My list

In addition to them, of course, there is also the profile of children, which as the name suggests, is ideal for parents to let their children watch safe content according to their age group. This profile configuration can be accessed by this link.

The choice of plan

One of the most important choices to make when sharing Netflix is the plan to be chosen. Here are restrictions that really make a difference, as the basic plan allows only one person to watch a platform content at a time. Below, check out the main difference between plans:

  • Basic plan – Does not support HD resolution, allows only an active screen and downloads on only one smartphone or tablet;
  • HD Standard Plan – Supports HD resolution, allows two active screens at the same time and downloads on two smartphones or tablets;
  • Premium Ultra HD Plan – Supports HD and Ultra HD resolutions allows 4 active screens at the same time and downloads on 4 smartphones or tablets.

If you already have a plan and it does not meet your needs, change it can be done through this link.

Manage download devices

As you can see above, Netflix in each plan places a restriction on the number of devices that can download content to videos, so they can be played without the need for an Internet connection.

So if you’ve already used your Netflix on more than one mobile device, it’s a good idea to access the list of download devices to remove those that are not in use.

Keep an eye on the activity list

Lastly, this last item concerns your activity on Netflix. Although the platform offers the possibility of having more than one user, these profiles created in it are not password protected.

Above, for example, an item that can annoy people, it is a fact that everyone can have access to the history of what you have been watching. So if you’ve watched something you do not want others to know about, be sure to check out what you’ve been watching on Netflix to remove the item from your list.

If you need help, have doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the comment box below and we will try to help you as soon as possible!

Tarun Pandit: Tarun Pandit an entrepreneur and blogger by passion, created Tech Khiladi to help with people with Technical stuff.