How to Convert Recordings to Text easily

The audio transcription, the act of converting a sound file in text, can be quite labor intensive. But it is possible to make it less complicated: there are software capable of capturing the sound and converting it into a text file with certain precision.

See five apps that can transcribe audio to computers and mobile phones.

1. Voice Note

The Voice Note is available on the web and uses the microphone to capture everything within reach, be it a dictation or a playable audio file. The quality of the transcription depends on the sound environment and the system can recognize several languages. At the end, a .txt file can be downloaded. To use it, select the input language, click the microphone icon, and start talking or play the file with the audio.

Voice Note is free.

2. Audio to Text

The Audio to Text for Android promises to make the transcription of audio files already saved on your phone. Requires internet access to work and archives all conversions in a simple interface, without creating text files. Just choose the language, click Select Audio to point to the saved file and you’re done. However, the app has been criticized for quality, instability, and over-advertisement.

Audio to Text is free.

3. Call Recording by NoNotes

Exclusive to iOS (iPhone), Call Recording by NoNotes is an app for recording calls, but it has a transcription function. It is able to understand dictation text and capture audio from external sources. It allows the sharing of texts with your contacts or through social networks. It’s free, and although I limit recording calls to 20 minutes a month. The audio transcription feature is free.

4. Speechnotes

The Speechnotes for Android supports Bluetooth accessories such as microphones, headsets or car audio. The interface is very simple, and just click on the microphone icon and start dictating the texts, or make it pick up audios from other sources. It has a custom keyboard, which allows you to add punctuation manually, but also understands dots and commas dictated nominally, preventing texts from being run.

Speechnotes is free.

5. Evernote

The Evernote (Windows, MacOS, iPhone and Android) has audio transcription, but it uses the native configurations of each system, rather than a proprietary solution. Windows 10 does not support dictation in English.

  • iPhone and Android:
    create a new note> position the cursor> click the keyboard microphone> and speak;
  • macOS:
  • click Apple Menu> System Preferences> Keyboard and Dictation;
    activate the feature> open a new note> click Edit> Start Dictation and speak.

Evernote is free.

Tarun Pandit: Tarun Pandit an entrepreneur and blogger by passion, created Tech Khiladi to help with people with Technical stuff.